
License build download

Android iOS ARM Linux Windows Ubuntu MacOS HarmonyOS Firefox Chrome

:heavy_check_mark: This project provides the minimal build of opencv library for the Android, iOS and ARM Linux platforms.

:heavy_check_mark: Packages for Windows, Linux, MacOS, HarmonyOS and WebAssembly are available now.

:heavy_check_mark: We provide prebuild binary packages for opencv, 3.4.20 and 4.10.0.

:heavy_check_mark: We also provide prebuild package for Mac-Catalyst, watchOS, tvOS, visionOS and Apple xcframework.

:heavy_check_mark: All the binaries are compiled from source on github action, no virus, no backdoor, no secret code.

:heavy_check_mark: NEW FEATURE cv::putText supports full-width CJK characters

:heavy_check_mark: NEW FEATURE cv::imshow supports Linux framebuffer and Windows

:heavy_check_mark: NEW FEATURE cv::VideoWriter supports jpg streaming over http

opencv 4.10.0 package size The official opencv opencv-mobile
source zip 95.2 MB 8.25 MB
android 292 MB 17.7 MB
ios 207 MB 3.97 MB
Technical Exchange QQ Group


Source []( []( [](
Android []( []( [](
HarmonyOS []( []( [](
iOS []( []( [](
iOS-Simulator []( []( [](
macOS []( []( [](
Mac-Catalyst []( []( [](
watchOS []( []( [](
watchOS-Simulator []( []( [](
tvOS []( []( [](
tvOS-Simulator []( []( [](
visionOS []( []( [](
visionOS-Simulator []( []( [](
Apple xcframework []( []( [](
Ubuntu-20.04 []( []( [](
Ubuntu-22.04 []( []( [](
VS2015 []( []( [](
VS2017 []( []( [](
VS2019 []( []( [](
VS2022 []( []( [](
WebAssembly []( []( [](
ARM-Linux []( []( [](

opencv-mobile package for development boards


✅ HW JPG decoder
✅ MIPI CSI camera

✅ HW JPG decoder
✅ MIPI CSI camera

✅ HW JPG encoder
✅ MIPI CSI camera
✅ DPI LCD screen


✅ HW JPG decoder
✅ HW JPG encoder
✅ MIPI CSI camera
✅ SPI LCD screen

✅ HW JPG decoder
✅ HW JPG encoder


✅ HW JPG decoder
✅ HW JPG encoder


✅ HW JPG encoder
✅ MIPI CSI camera
✅ DPI LCD screen

Usage Android

  1. Extract archive to <project dir>/app/src/main/jni/
  2. Modify <project dir>/app/src/main/jni/CMakeLists.txt to find and link opencv
set(OpenCV_DIR ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/opencv-mobile-4.10.0-android/sdk/native/jni)
find_package(OpenCV REQUIRED)

target_link_libraries(your_jni_target ${OpenCV_LIBS})

Usage iOS, macOS, watchOS, tvOS, visionOS

  1. Extract archive, and drag opencv2.framework or opencv2.xcframework into your project

Usage ARM Linux, Windows, Linux, WebAssembly

  1. Extract archive to <project dir>/
  2. Modify <project dir>/CMakeLists.txt to find and link opencv
  3. Pass -DOpenCV_STATIC=ON to cmake option for windows build
set(OpenCV_DIR ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/opencv-mobile-4.10.0-armlinux/arm-linux-gnueabihf/lib/cmake/opencv4)
find_package(OpenCV REQUIRED)

target_link_libraries(your_target ${OpenCV_LIBS})

How-to-build your custom package

We reduce the binary size of opencv-mobile in 3 ways

  1. Reimplement some modules (such as highgui) and functions (such as putText)
  2. Apply patches to disable rtti/exceptions and do not install non-essential files
  3. Carefully select cmake options to retain only the modules and functions you want

Steps 1 and 2 are relatively cumbersome and difficult, and require intrusive changes to the opencv source code. If you want to know the details, please refer to the steps in .github/workflows/release.yml

The opencv-mobile source code package is the result of steps 1 and 2. Based on it, we can adjust the cmake option to compile our own package and further delete and add modules and other functions.

step 1. download opencv-mobile source

wget -q
unzip -q
cd opencv-mobile-4.10.0

step 2. apply your opencv option changes to options.txt

vim options.txt

step 3. build your opencv package with cmake

mkdir -p build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=install \
  `cat ../options.txt` \
  -DBUILD_opencv_world=OFF ..
make -j4
make install

step 4. make a package

zip -r -9 install

Some notes

cv::putText supports full-width CJK characters

  1. Open or opencv-mobile-X.Y.Z/fontface.html in your browser.
  2. In the opened page, enter all the text to be drawn, select the TTF font file (optional), click the Convert to Font Header button to download the fontface header. This step is completely local operation, without connecting to a remote server, your data is private and safe.
  3. Include the generated fontface header, initialize a fontface instance, and pass it as the argument to cv::putText. The source file must be encoded in UTF-8.

Since all characters have been converted to embedded bitmap, the drawing routine does not depend on freetype library or any font files at runtime.

#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
#include "myfontface.h"

int main()
    cv::Mat bgr = cv::imread("atari.jpg", 1);

    // use this font
    MyFontFace myfont;

    // draw full-width text with myfont
    const char* zhtext = "称呼机器人为破铜烂铁,\n违反了禁止歧视机器人法!";
    cv::putText(bgr, zhtext, cv::Point(30, 250), cv::Scalar(127, 0, 127), myfont, 20);

    // get bounding rect
    cv::Rect rr = cv::getTextSize(bgr.size(), zhtext, cv::Point(30, 250), myfont, 20);

    cv::imwrite("out.jpg", bgr);

    return 0;

cv::imshow supports Linux framebuffer and Windows

In Linux, cv::imshow can display images on the screen (/dev/fb0) via the Linux Framebuffer API. cv::imshow can work without desktop environment (gnome, KDE Plasma, xfce, etc.) or window manager (X or wayland), making it suitable for embedded scenarios. The first argument to cv::imshow must be fb.

In Windows, cv::imshow will use the Windows API to create a simple window for displaying.

display image ```cpp #include <opencv2/core/core.hpp> #include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp> int main() { cv::Mat bgr = cv::imread("im.jpg", 1); cv::imshow("fb", bgr); return 0; } ``` realtime camera preview ```cpp #include <opencv2/core/core.hpp> #include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp> int main() { cv::VideoCapture cap; cap.set(cv::CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, 320); cap.set(cv::CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, 240);; cv::Mat bgr; while (1) { cap >> bgr; cv::imshow("fb", bgr); } return 0; } ```

cv::VideoWriter supports jpg streaming over http

In Linux, cv::VideoWriter could be used for streaming images as jpg over http, while it is noop on other platforms. Initialize a cv::VideoWriter instance, open the writer with name httpjpg and a port number, then it will setup a simple http server. You can open the streaming url with a web browser, and image will be shown in the browser as soon as it is sent to the writer. The image size and content can be dynamic, which is useful for streaming frames from a live camera.

#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>

int main()
    cv::VideoCapture cap;;

    cv::VideoWriter http;"httpjpg", 7766);

    // open streaming url http://<server ip>:7766 in web browser

    cv::Mat bgr;
    while (1)
        cap >> bgr;
        http << bgr;

    return 0;

opencv modules included

module comment
opencv_core Mat, matrix operations, etc
opencv_imgproc resize, cvtColor, warpAffine, etc
opencv_highgui imread, imwrite
opencv_features2d keypoint feature and matcher, etc (not included in opencv 2.x package)
opencv_photo inpaint, etc
opencv_video opticalflow, etc

opencv modules discarded

module comment
opencv_androidcamera use android Camera api instead
opencv_calib3d camera calibration, rare uses on mobile
opencv_contrib experimental functions, build part of the source externally if you need
opencv_dnn very slow on mobile, try ncnn for neural network inference on mobile
opencv_dynamicuda no cuda on mobile
opencv_flann feature matching, rare uses on mobile, build the source externally if you need
opencv_gapi graph based image processing, little gain on mobile
opencv_gpu no cuda/opencl on mobile
opencv_imgcodecs link with opencv_highgui instead
opencv_java wrap your c++ code with jni
opencv_js write native code on mobile
opencv_legacy various good-old cv routines, build part of the source externally if you need
opencv_ml train your ML algorithm on powerful pc or server
opencv_nonfree the SIFT and SURF, use ORB which is faster and better
opencv_objdetect HOG, cascade detector, use deep learning detector which is faster and better
opencv_ocl no opencl on mobile
opencv_python no python on mobile
opencv_shape shape matching, rare uses on mobile, build the source externally if you need
opencv_stitching image stitching, rare uses on mobile, build the source externally if you need
opencv_superres do video super-resolution on powerful pc or server
opencv_ts test modules, useless in production anyway
opencv_videoio use android MediaCodec or ios AVFoundation api instead
opencv_videostab do video stablization on powerful pc or server
opencv_viz vtk is not available on mobile, write your own data visualization routines